Open Information Policy

SARA- Democratic Society Free of Poverty and Inequality

The Social Association for Rural Advancement (SARA) established in 1983. SARA from its inception had been carrying out the development activities with the target and vulnerable people particularly of rural areas, aiming to promote their socio-economic, gender and human right situation.


SARA will obey and comply the Bangladesh Government “Right to Information Act, 2009”. Listed below are the main areas of information that can be accessed quickly and easily either via our website nor by distribution, on request, physically office visit etc.

Tell us what you want to know. Here’s a full list of the documents you can request, either by emailing


The Fundamentals of SARA

Information to be made available Means
SARA organization profile Website
Organization Brochure Distribution and website
SARA at a Glance Distribution and website
Donor & Partners Website
Registered Office Address Website
Tax Certificate Website
Registration from NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh Website
Registration from Social Service Department of Bangladesh Website
Project of SARA Website
List of Different Publications Website
Different Publication (Booklet, poster, flip chart, handout, training module etc.) Website


Governance and management

Information to be made available Means
SARA Constitution Website
Executive Committee List and Profile Website
Accountability Framework Website
Office System and Time Table of SARA On Request
SARA Project Based Staff List Website

Organizational Policies and Guidelines.

Information to be made available Means
Financial and Procurement Policy Website
Human Resource Policy Website
Gender Policy Website
HIV/AIDS policies Website
Photo image policy Website
Open Information Policy Website
Complain Response Policy Wesite
Staff Co-ordination Meeting Minutes at Central Level One Request
Right Holder Selection Criteria Website & Distribution
Staff Code of Conduct Website


Strategies and plans

Information to be made available Means
Long Term Strategic Plan SARA (Need to develop) Website
Approved Project Proposal On Request
Disaster Preparedness Plan Website
Project Plan of SARA 2013 to 2015 Website
Communication Strategy (need to develop) Website
Exit Plan for Project (need to develop) Website

Finances and performance

Information to be made available Means
Progress Report Website
Annual Audited Accounts (contained in the Annual Report) Website
Six Monthly Progress Report Website
Final report Website
Accounting Procedure One Request
Project Evaluation Report including mid-term Website
Program Video’s Website
Billboard, flipchart, leaflet, poster etc. Public place and distribution
Planning, budget, activities and progress sharing meeting with community, elected representative, govt. official Continuous and event basis





Feedback and Complaints

Information to be made available Means
Citizen Chartered Office Primroses
Complaints and Response Mechanism of SARA Website
Concern and Feedback on SARA works Website


Some information can only be disclosed to a limited number of specific people and in a narrow range of circumstances.

The information that will not disclose until abide by the law

Information not to be disclosed Reason for Non Discloser
Information about SARA and Donor staff and their contact details Security reasons and unnecessary trouble for their functioning
Internal financial and management records Security reasons and unnecessary trouble for the functioning of organization
Investigation report Security reasons
SARA decision making process (minutes, notes and others) Security reasons
Unpublished research and reports of SARA Security reasons
Staff Personnel File Security reasons


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