Human Resource Policy

Background :
The Social Association For Rural Advancement SARA is a local NGO established in 1983 with the location of its head office in Mymensingh district town. SARA from its inception had been carrying out the development activities with the target and vulnerable people particularly of rural area, aiming to promoting their socio-economic, gender and human right situation. SARA has a service rule to ensure its staffs rules, regulations, security and other financial benefits under the organization. But SARA feels that the current service rule of the Organization  is needs to be includes more clauses to ensure necessary demands of both Employee and Organization. This service rule will be renamed as Human Resource Policy from the date of  this review 27th January 2011.

Clauses :

Purposes :

    • This HR policy shall be applied to all employees within SARA and other projects.
    • The provisions of this HR policy are made in accordance with the relevant laws in force in Bangladesh.
  1. Classification of Employees Status :

All employees of the organization shall be included in one of the following classifications of employment :-

  • Regular : An employee whose appointment has been confirmed in writing by the organization after satisfactory completion of provision.
  • Provisional : An employee who is provisionally employed to fill a regular vacancy or post for an agreed/ specified period of time.
  • Substitute : An employee who is engaged to a regular post in the place of an employee who is temporarily absent from the duty.
  • Contract : An employee who is employed on contract for a limited period of
  • Casual : An employee who is employed for work on a daily basis, which in essentially of an occasional or casual nature.


  1. Employment :
  • All employees shall be appointed by the Executive Director.
  • The SARA will not employ anyone over 65 years of age. After this age limit employment may be given on yearly contract basis or extended at the discretion of the SARA management, subject to satisfactory work performance and medical examination. In the event of the employees age in doubt at the time of employment, the employee shall face the medical examination.
  • A ‘Selection Committee’ shall be formed by the executive director with the following persons for interview :-
  1. Executive Director
  2. One representative from the staff.
  3. One representative from the program concerned.
  4. Two representative from the executive committee of SARA.
  5. Selection committee will form on basis of 40% female member.
  • The post should generally be advertised in the local/national paper and in the office notice board.
  • The selection committee will select those who should come to the interview and obtained highest mark.
  • The selection committee shall take decision for appointment which will include 35% female.
  • The executive director shall prepare the job descriptions in cooperation with the staff.
  • The executive director shall inform the executive committee regarding the new staff appointment. 
  1. Description of Grade and Posts : The grade and post of SARA and other project employees under the organization will be define as the following specification :
  • Grade A – Office peon/Support Staff/Security Guards/ Caretaker
  • Grade B – Field Trainer/Dev. Worker/Office Assistant/Admin Assistant
  • Grade C – Field Facilitators/Community Facilitators/Program Supervisor
  • Grade D – Field Manager/Technical Officer/Other officer
  • Grade E – Program Coordinator/Finance Officer
  • Grade F – Deputy Director
  • Grade G – Executive Director
  1. Provision :
    • All regular appointments shall be made on provisional basis.
  • Normally the provisional period is three months from the date of employment which may be extended up to maximum 6 months by the executive director and during the provisional period, the employee shall be paid 90% of the basic salary.
  • After completion of the provisional period, the employee will be informed in writing by the executive director whether his/her appointment has been confirmed.
  • The appointment of an employee shall be made confirmed after satisfactory completion of the provisional period.
  1. Transfer :
    • All regular employees shall be aware of the fact that the service is transferable for the exigency of service in exceptional circumstances.
  1. Hours of work: All employees of SARA shall perform minimum 39 hours working time in a week unless other wise instruct by the authority.
  • Group A: All Employees should follow office time according. Sunday to Thursday 8 A.M. 4 P.M. Lunch break every day 1 P.M. 2 P.M.
  • Group B: All employees of the Area office/Dev. center shall follow the normal working hours as under Group- A of clause 7.
  • Group C :           Every guard shall work 8 hours daily unless otherwise instructed

by the authority.

  • All employees must be aware of the fact that the employees shall work in addition to his/her normal working hours for the sake of the program activities with necessary adjustment of his/her working hours.
  1. Leave and Holidays :
    • All employees shall enjoy two day’s (Friday- Saturday) as weekly holiday.
  • All regular employees except guards are entitled to enjoy the Govt. holidays as declared.
  • All regular employees are entitled to enjoy 25 days a year as annual leave. Such leave can not be taken more than 7 days at a time.
  • All regular employees are entitled to take 12 days a year as sick leave but not cumulative.
  • At least one week advance notice shall be given by the employee before avail more then 7 days annual leave at a time. In case of 7 days or less, prior information shall be given to the authority.
  • Every employee must take his/her leave annually but for exigency of service, any one is asked not to take leave in which case only, his/her balance leave may be carried forward to the next year. In case of leave being carried forward, it must be finished with annual leave of the next year.
  • The guards are entitled to enjoy 12 day annual and 12 days sick leave in a year.
  • In case of continuous sick leave of 3 days or more, shall require an application supported by a medical certificate of a registered physician.
  • In case of prolong illness, an employee shall first use all of his/her leave entitlement (annual, sick) after which this case shall be dealt with on its own merit by SARA.
  • Female regular employee shall be eligible for maternity leave for 16 weeks with pay in addition to all other leaves. The maternity leave may be taken in conjunction with any other leave or holidays (annual, sick) but the maternity leave shall only be granted up to two living children.
  1. Benefits :

Process of Salary Increment :

Any increment in the level at which staff are place is not to be seen as automatic but contingent upon their level of performance, sincerity and conscientiousness in carrying out duties and responsibility. An increment in one’s portion level is dependent upon the following: a positive evaluation, attainment of work plan objectives and sufficient discharge of duties, good attendance, punctuality and willingness to assume and broaden responsibility and the overall financial health of the organization. Basically in every year 10% salary will be increased of last basic salary amount against the grade/level but all salary increment and other benefits will depend on fund availability of the organization and project design of the related donors.

During process of salary increment SARA have provision of maintaining different step system against basic salary. Grade/level wise step systems are given below :

Grade Position Entitled for # of steps for employee’s service life with SARA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A Office peon/ Support Staff/Security Guards/Caretaker
B Field Trainer/ Office Assistant/ Admin Assistant
C Field Facilitators/Community Facilitators/Program Supervisor
D Field Manager/Technical Officer/Other Officers
E Program Coordinator/Finance Officer
F Deputy Director
G Executive Director


Grade and step wise SARA Salary & Benefit Package  :


Grade Particulars  Step wise Salary & Benefits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 A  Basic 2,900.00 3,190.00 3,509.00 3,859.90 4,245.89 4,670.48 5,137.53 5,651.28 6,216.41 6,838.05
 House Rent 1,740.00 1,914.00 2,105.40 2,315.94 2,547.53 2,802.29 3,082.52 3,390.77 3,729.84 4,102.83
 Medical All 290.00 319.00 350.90 385.99 424.59 467.05 513.75 565.13 621.64 683.80
Conveyance 290.00 319.00 350.90 385.99 424.59 467.05 513.75 565.13 621.64 683.80
Gross Salary 5,220.00 5,742.00 6,316.20 6,947.82 7,642.60 8,406.86 9,247.55 10,172.30 11,189.53 12,308.49
 B  Basic    4,200.00    4,620.00    5,082.00      5,590.20      6,149.22     6,764.14     7,440.56     8,184.61     9,003.07     9,903.38
 House Rent    2,520.00    2,772.00    3,049.20      3,354.12      3,689.53     4,058.49     4,464.33     4,910.77     5,401.84     5,942.03
 Medical All       420.00      462.00      508.20      559.02      614.92 676.41      744.06     818.46       900.31      990.34
Conveyance       420.00     462.00      508.20      559.02      614.92        676.41      744.06        818.46        900.31       990.34
 Gross Salary    7,560.00   8,316.00   9,147.60 10,062.36 11,068.60   12,175.46 13,393.00   14,732.30   16,205.53   17,826.08
 C  Basic    5,350.00   5,885.00   6,473.50   7,120.85   7,832.94     8,616.23   9,477.85   10,425.64   11,468.20   12,615.02
 House Rent    3,210.00  3,531.00   3,884.10   4,272.51   4,699.76     5,169.74   5,686.71    6,255.38     6,880.92     7,569.01
 Medical All       535.00     588.50     647.35      712.09      783.29     861.62      947.79     1,042.56     1,146.82     1,261.50
Conveyance       535.00     588.50     647.35      712.09      783.29        861.62    947.79     1,042.56     1,146.82     1,261.50
 Gross Salary    9,630.00 10,593.00 11,652.30 12,817.53 14,099.28 15,509.21 17,060.13   18,766.15   20,642.76   22,707.04
 D  Basic 8,700.00 9,570.00 10,527.00 11,579.70 12,737.67   14,011.44    15,412.58   16,953.84   18,649.22  
 House Rent    5,220.00  5,742.00  6,316.20  6,947.82  7,642.60     8,406.86     9,247.55   10,172.30   11,189.53  
 Medical All       870.00     957.00  1,052.70   1,157.97   1,273.77     1,401.14     1,541.26     1,695.38     1,864.92  
Conveyance       870.00     957.00  1,052.70   1,157.97   1,273.77     1,401.14   1,541.26     1,695.38     1,864.92  
Gross Salary  15,660.00 17,226.00 18,948.60 20,843.46 22,927.81   25,220.59 27,742.65   30,516.91   33,568.60  


E Basic 12,650.00 13,915.00 15,306.50 16,837.15 18,520.87 20,372.95 22,410.25   24,651.27   27,116.40
House Rent 7,590.00   8,349.00   9,183.90 10,102.29 11,112.52 12,223.77 13,446.15   14,790.76   16,269.84
Medical All 1,265.00   1,391.50   1,530.65   1,683.72   1,852.09   2,037.30   2,241.02     2,465.13     2,711.64
Conveyance 1,265.00   1,391.50   1,530.65   1,683.72   1,852.09   2,037.30   2,241.02     2,465.13     2,711.64
 Gross Salary  22,770.00 25,047.00 27,551.70 30,306.87 33,337.56   36,671.31 40,338.44   44,372.29   48,809.52
 F  Basic  13,700.00  15,070.00  16,577.00    18,234.70     20,058.17   22,063.99    24,270.39   26,697.42   29,367.17
 House Rent    8,220.00  9,042.00    9,946.20    10,940.82     12,034.90   13,238.39    14,562.23   16,018.45   17,620.30
Medical All    1,370.00  1,507.00  1,657.70   1,823.47   2,005.82     2,206.40   2,427.04     2,669.74     2,936.72
Conveyance    1,370.00  1,507.00  1,657.70   1,823.47   2,005.82     2,206.40   2,427.04     2,669.74     2,936.72
 Gross Salary  24,660.00 27,126.00 29,838.60 32,822.46 36,104.71   39,715.18 43,686.69   48,055.36   52,860.90
 G  Basic  15,300.00 16,830.00 18,513.00 20,364.30 22,400.73   24,640.80 27,104.88   29,815.37   32,796.91
 House Rent    9,180.00 10,098.00 11,107.80 12,218.58 13,440.44   14,784.48 16,262.93   17,889.22   19,678.15
 Medical All    1,530.00  1,683.00  1,851.30   2,036.43   2,240.07     2,464.08   2,710.49     2,981.54     3,279.69
Conveyance    1,530.00  1,683.00  1,851.30   2,036.43   2,240.07     2,464.08   2,710.49     2,981.54     3,279.69
 Gross Salary  27,540.00 30,294.00 33,323.40 36,655.74 40,321.31   44,353.45 48,788.79   53,667.67   59,034.44
  • Housing Allowance : All regular employees are entitled to have housing allowance to the extent of 60% of their basic salary.
  • Medical Allowance : All regular employees shall be entitled to get medical allowance  to the extent of 10% their basic salary.
  • Conveyance : All regular employees shall be entitled to get a family conveyance to the extent of 10% of their basic salary.
  • Festival allowance : All regular employees shall be entitled to get festival allowance equivalent to their one month total salary.
  • Traveling : All travel expenses incurred are to be reimbursed on an actual basis. Employees are to avail of the safest and least expensive modes of transportation. Any kinds of official and programmatic traveling coast should be necessary for management and program staff, SARA will be provided actual coast through receiving proper bill and vouchers.
  • Accommodation : All accommodation expenses incurred are to be reimbursed on an actual basis. Employees are to avail of the safest and least expensive modes of accommodation. Employees are to avail of accommodation provided by SARA whenever possible. Any kinds of official and programmatic accommodation coast should be necessary  for management and program staff, SARA will be provided actual coast not more than 600.00 (per night) through receiving proper bill and vouchers.
  • Daily Allowances/Perdium provision :

All grade employees including Volunteers are entitled to claim daily allowances when traveling outside of their regular place of their working Upazila on working basis. When the employee is not stay overnight away from his or her regular place of residence, the employee is entitled to claim daily allowance as per following :

Outside of working Upazila for 8 hours of more Tk. 175/=

The calculation of hours is inclusive only of the starting point and time of departure (SARA office) to the ending point of travel and time of return (SARA Office).

When the employee including Volunteers is required to spend at overnight away from his or her regular place of residence the employee is entitled to claim 350/= Tk,  per night of those days at the end of which he or she will be residing outside of the regular place of residence for the night. On the day of return to one’s regular place of residence, the employee is entitled to claim daily allowances as per the following :

Return to end point of travel after 5:00 PM – Tk 175/=

  • Provident/Staff Security/Disaster Fund:
    1. A personal account in the name of every regular employee shall be opened for provident fund which has to be operated by the executive director and the employee.
  1. Every employee has to contribute 20% of his/her basic salary to the provident fund, and the amount shall be deposited in the respective personal account of the employee.
  • The amount of provident fund of every employee shall be collected from the salary of every month.
  1. The employee is entitled to take loan to the extent of 75% of the amount deposited as provident fund of his/ her account. None is entitled to take loan until the completion of his/her two years of service.
  2. No new loan shall be sanctioned against the provident fund unless his/her previous loan is repaid.
  3. The organization will maintain a staff security fund an alternative to provident fund with contribution of 10% officer level and 5% other staff of his/her gross salary. He/she is entitled to take loan to the extent of 80% of the deposited amount in security fund of his/her account. He/she will get present bank interest during the final withdrawal of the said fund.
  • The employee has to contribute 01% of his/her gross salary to the nonrefundable disaster fund of the organization. This fund will utilize disaster of SARA staff and organization only as per policy.
  1. Rules for Vehicles and Transportation :
  • Only employees with legal driving license for specific vehicle are entitled and allowed to use office vehicles.
  • Employees using the vehicles shall maintain log book of his specific vehicles.
  • Employees driving M/C must have used helmet.
  • Only staff members and project guests are allowed to use office vehicles for office work only.
  • The costs for vehicles on official duty shall be born by the organization.
  • Employee intending to use office vehicles outside his working area shall take prior permission from the concerned authority whatever the case may be.
  • Employees intending to use office vehicles for personal business shall take prior permission from the concerned authority and if permitted, he/she has to pay taka 2/00 per mile in case of motor cycle and in that case, all costs shall be born by the organization . But personal use is only in case of emergency.
  • The motor cycle user are not allowed to travel by rickshaw for field work except in special circumstances.
    1. Loan and Advances :
      1. The employees shall be allowed to take loan against his/her provident fund under clause 9(h) of sub clause (iv & v) but whatever the loan allotment is, it must be paid back by a fixed monthly installment to be decided by the authority.
  1. Employees are entitled to take salary advance to the extent of 50% of his/her basic salary on the 15th of every month.
  2. Purchasing of Materials :
    1. The concerned program in charge shall submit purchase requisition to the Executive Director before purchasing any materials.


  1. The purchasing committee shall check the market as per instruction of the Procurement committee and take quotations of at least 3 different shops/vender in the local market and submit the quotations to the procurement committee.


  1. Selected shop/vender by procurement committee should be approved by the Executive Director.


  1. The procurement committee shall decide the shop/vender and ask the purchase committee to buy the materials directly provided the amount of purchasing is below Tk. 3000.00 only.


  1. As regards the purchasing of taka 3000.00 or above, the procurement committee shall call for a meeting to take decisions on the quotations received.


  1. The purchase committee shall take purchase order from the procurement committee duly in all cases.


  1. The procurement committee will be consisted of 3 (three) members from program and management staffs of the organization.


  1. Termination and Resignation :
    1. If any employee intends to resign, a resignation letter must be submitted to the Executive Director at least one month in advance, other wise his/her has to surrender on month salary.


  1. Provisional employee may be terminated without notice.


  1. A regular employee may be terminated as a result of change or closure of program for any other exigency of service provided he can not be replaced anywhere within SARA. In that case, he may be given three months advance notice and he or she shall be provided three months salary at the time of release.


  1. A regular employees service may be terminated on charge of misappropriation of money, dishonesty, misconduct and misdemeanor. The penalty for the aforesaid grounds of acts committed by any employee shall be given a show cause notice and dis satisfactory reply to the show cause notice shall amount to removal from service.


  1. In case of misappropriation of project money or dishonesty by any employee he/she shall lose the right of the share of the provident fund of the misappropriated money or other debts.


  1. The regular employee shall be given scope to produce witness in his/her favour before penalties.


  1. The regular employees other than the employees under clause 13(d) are entitled to have a service certificate at the time of leaving the organization.


  1. The following acts on the part of an employee shall amount to misconduct :-
  • Willful insubordination or disobedience to any lawful and reasonable order of the superior.
  • Taking or giving braves or any illegal gratification.
  • Absence without leave or habitual overstay of leave without sufficient grounds or proper and satisfactory
  • Habitual breach of any terms and condition of employment and H/R policy.
  • Habitual negligence of duty.
  • Station leave without permission.
  • Willful damage to work in process or any property of the organization.
  • Theft, fraud in connection with the project’s property or property of other.
  • Anyone is guilty of moral turpitude.
  • Careless work, laziness and in efficiency.
  1. The following acts on the part of an employee shall amount to misdemeanors discourtesy with other employees and outsiders.


  1. Retirement :

The age of retirement shall be applicable up to the 65 (sixty five) years old .

  1. Amendments and Modifications :

This H/R policy  may be amended and modified from time to time by the SARA Executive Committee.

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