- Preface
Social Association For Rural Advancement (SARA) is an NGO. It has been working for the development of target people in its own working area on the basis of gender side by side with the govt. since 1983. SARA had deeply noticed that half of the population of the country are women and they had been deprived from education service life and all other facilities of the state. The status of women had been underestimated in terms of wealth and dignity comparing to that of men because of some religious bindings. On the other hand women are also being oppressed and tortured physically and mentally by men. Dowry, divorce, early marriage and rap had been taking place very often in the society due to the social customs. Women are controlled by husbands and guardians in the family and they had to remain at the indoor house due to the social bindings. Under such circumstances, SARA had adapted the gender policy with a view to reducing the gender discrimination to bring equality among women and men. Therefore, SARA is in the opinion that the organization should have a gender policy. SARA beliefs that if the gender policy is implemented in all programs of the organization it will be possible to establish gender equality in the society.
- Aims of gender policy
Establishment of gender equality in the society through increasing of gender awareness.
- Objectives of gender policy
- To practice women friendly administration in the organization and in the working area.
- To make the strategies of gender development and its implementation.
- To consider the gender in staff recruitment.
- To incorporate gender in all programs.
- Area of implementation of gender policy
- In Executive and General committee of the organization.
- In management of human resources.
- In management of financial and other wealths.
- In Target people and working area.
- In Organization and staff development.
- In certain needs and security of female staff.
- In organizational values, culture and behavioral system.
- In communication.
4.a Executive and General committee.
1) To make equal no. of men and women in the executive and general committee within 03 years period.
2) To give election to the important posts in executive and general committee on the basis of gender equality.
4.b Management of human resources.
1) Appointment
- The ratio of women and man will be 2:3 in the staff recruitment.
- Job advertisement is to be given on the basis of gender. In special cases “priorities will be given to women” should be mentioned in the advertisement.
- 05 (five) points grace mark will be given to women candidates for both written and viva test.
- In the recruiting board the ratio of male and female is to be ensured by 3:2.
- Personal file of all employees shall be kept in the office. All papers and documents shall be preserved in this file.
- Those who are mostly distressed, will get special opportunity. Priorities shall be given to women in this regard. (Divorced women, widows, affected from acid throwing will get such opportunities).
- If men and women found equally qualified in this case women will be given the priority for the appointment.
- For appointment test questions are to be gender related.
- For the appointment of higher post women should be given the priority.
2) Posting and Transfer
2.1 Husband and wife will be given facilities of posting and transferring in the
same place.
2.2 Women worker will be posted at her own area or close to that area.
2.3 Women worker will be posted at minimum developed & communicated area.
2.4 As per necessity felt by the organization all employees may be transferred from one place to another. In this regard women employee will be transferred to better facilitated areas. But women employees shall not be transferred during the time of pregnancy and during the 06 months period after delivery.
2.5 According to the ability of the organization a Day Care Centre may be set up for the children.
- Promotion
3.1 Equal consideration for women and men shall be made for job promotion.
3.2 Women will be given the priority even if the job proficiency found equal.
3.3 In the evaluation for promotion gender related indicators are also to be considered.
- Resignation/ termination
- If any permanent employee specially women employee suddenly resigns from his/her post sufficient causes will be find out very secretly for this resignation.
4.2 If any one falls victim of physical and mental abuse he or she will at once be terminated if sufficient evidence is found. If needed legal action will be taken against him/her. If it is proved that the complain was false, stern action shall be taken to punish him/her.
4.3 Any staff getting second marriage without the consent of the first wife shall at once be terminated.
4.4 Any staff gets married taking dowry shall be terminated from his service.
5) Leave
5.1 Leaves are equally applicable for all staff as per
organization rule.
5.2 Four months maternity leave shall be allowed to pregnant women. They shall also be allowed sick leave and earn leave during this time (This shall be applicable for two issues children only.)
5.3 Any women staff needed over 04 months leave she will be entitled to enjoy more 10-15 days leave without pay.
5.4 After maternity leave the mother shall be allowed 30 minutes excess for feeding the baby. (It shall be applicable up to 06 months age)
5.5 Paternity leave is to be enjoyed for 10 days only. This is applicable for two issues of children only. This leave is allowed for taking care after the mother and the baby only. Only the permanent staff can enjoy this.
4.C Management of financial and other wealth’s
- All employees shall get the facilities of taking loan subject to the capability of the organization. They will get opportunity for the payment of monthly installment. Women staff will get the first preference.
- While participating the training, participating mother can take another care taker for looking after the child. The organization will bear the expenses for it.
- Women traveling to a far distance places she can then take two seats in the train or bus if it is at night. The organization will bear the expenses for it also.
- Women staff will get the priority to drive motor cycle. According to the ability of the organization, women staff shall be trained up in motor cycle driving.
- According to the capability of the organization separate toilet and waiting room will be set up for the women staff.
- When anybody get sick he or she can use the car of the organization on payment.
- All these facilities shall be applicable for the permanent staff only.
- Women and men of the same ranking post will get the equal facilities of salaries and other allowances.
4.d Working Area and target people
1) In any program at least 50% women shall have to be present.
2) If the target people fall in to any trouble or problems they should try to solve it.
- If the target women falls in to problems in the family for participating in the programs then immediate action should he taken. Initiative should be taken to aware the family members on gender.
- Those encouraging polygamy, early marriage & dowry should be kicked out from the group.
- Men should also be encouraged in participating in the domestic works.
4.E Organization and staff development
1) All policies and structure are to be made on the basis of gender.
2) Gender issues should be considered in evaluating the organization.
3) Staff of all positions should be given the idea on gender equality.
4) Gender equality should be brought for a discussion as an issue in different meetings.
- Gender issue should be incorporated in all trainings of the organization.
- Encouraging environment for women and men should be built up.
- Women should be given the priority in staff development.
- Gender training should be provided to every staff.
4.F Some needful for women staff
1) Necessary security should be ensured for the women staff when they get in dark while on duty in the field.
- Women are to be encouraged to work in short distance and unrisky places
at the time of their ministration.
- Immediate action should be taken when any women staff falls victim of sexual abusemement. All women and men should be aware of sexual harassment.
- Residence for new women staff is to be arranged in secured places. She should be helped in getting nice residence on rent.
4.G Values of organization, culture and behavior
1) The organization extends same dignity to all people irrespective of cast and creed.
2) The organization stresses importance to gender equality.
3) The organization pays equal respect to every women and men.
4) The organization does not allow any devaluation to any women and men.
4.H Communication
1) Indecent words not to be used in communicating to any man and women.
2) The names of husband and wife, father and mother should be written down in
all papers of documents.
- The word target people instead of landless people should be used in all policies, reports and in all declaration forms of the organization.
- Any kind of information of women and men should be written separately.
Implementation strategy of Gender Policy
- The policy makers of Gender policy will have to promise that they will implement the policy. The policy is to be printed in easy Bengali language and all have to be made known by promulgating it.
- It is compulsory for all to practice the policy.
- Those who practice it shall be rewarded and the violators will be punished.
- The policy is to be approved by the executive committee of the organization.
- Though all are responsible for the implementation of the policy yet the gender cell/women forum shall specially be liable for it.
- Different indicators are to be used for measuring the achievement of the policy.
- After evaluating the implementation, report should be given to all every year.
- As per the capacity of the organization all needful wealth along with financial matter should be allotted for the implementation of gender policy.