Fundamentals of SARA

The Social Association for Rural Advancement (SARA) is a local NGO established in 1983 with the location of its head office in Mymensingh district town. SARA from its inception had been carrying out the development activities with the Right holder and vulnerable people particularly of rural areas aiming to promoting their socio-economic, gender and human rights situation. It is registered under the social service department on May 1984 with the no. MA-0343 and obtained registration of the NGO Affairs Bureau on January 1986 no. DSS/FDO/R-201 for receiving the foreign donation.

Diakonia, Sweden had been funding SARA from the very beginning of the development activities that SARA had started to operate them. Apart from this SARA had been working with some other donors on partnership basis that provides financial support to implement the other projects in specific area.


Development of Right holder on the basis of Gender.


Aware and organize Right holder towards development partnership.


Help and facilitate the target people to be self reliant, socially and economically by building up their own organization.



Discrimination Against Women Reduced.
Respect for Human Right Increased.
Ethnic Minorities People’s Empowerment Improved.
Access to Health and SRHR Services Improved.
Environment and Disaster Management Skill Improved.
Organizational and Staff Capacity Improved.

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