SARA Constitution

Clause 1.
The name of the Organization shall be “ Palli Pragathi Samajik Sangstha”. It shall be said in English “ Social Association For Rural Advancement” and in short “ SARA”. It shall be treated as multi-dimensional voluntary organization.

Clause 2.
Address of the organization : 5/E/1, Mahagoni Road, Kachijuli, Mymensingh.

Clause 3.
Working Area: The Working area of the organization shall be whole Mymensingh District.

Clause 4.
Aims & objectives of the organization :

  • Maintain peace in the society keeping up unity, solidarity and discipline.
  • Co-operate the people for socio-economic development through the development of          organization aimed at making them self-dependent.
  • Take all out attempts for making the illiterate people to be literate in necessary aspects.
  • Develop a tendency of savings and involve the people in creation of savings at the present stage.
  • Initiate income-generating projects and co-operate in implementation of such projects for gradual economic development.
  • Motivate the people regarding the different aspects and objectives of family planning so, that the people can accept it for making the family and the society happy.
  • Resist anti-social works prevailing in the society.
  • Encourage the homeless and landless people of the society to be involved in productive activities in stead of begging.
  • Develop fish culture, poultry and cattle rearing center with a view to raising income for the disadvantaged people of the society.
  • Co-operate the community to maintain sound life by teaching of health and nutrition.
  • Undertake a program of literacy and vocational education with deprived children for making them self-reliant.
  • This organization is absolutely a non-political organization. This organization shall never be used for political and religious purpose.

Clause 5.
Classification and qualification of Members : This organization shall have 4 kinds of members, such as,
(a) General members
(b) Executive members
(c) Advisory members
(d) Donor members.

  • Person being adult male or female inhabitants of Bangladesh and having sincere trust upon the organization’s policy and activities interested to be a member shall in prescribed form apply to the executive committee. He shall take the membership on payment of the requisite admission fees subject to the approval of the executive committee.


The admission fees and the monthly constitution shall be to the extent of TK. 10.00 (ten) and Tk. 3/00 (three) respectively. In case of need, the Executive committee reserves the right to increase or decrease the admission and monthly contribution. Any decision in relation to this shall be effective subject to the approval of the president in the general committee.


  • Any member of the general committee shall be eligible for membership of the Executive Committee by direct vote.


  • Person involved and efficient in development and organizational works of donor and voluntary agencies shall be eligible for membership in the advisory committee subject to the approval of the executive committee.


  • Person or persons having trust upon the organizations policy shall be eligible for donor membership provided they pay at a time Tk. 5000.00 (five thousand) for the well-being of the organization subject to the approval of the executive committee.



Clause 6.         Classification of committee and number of members :-

The organization holds  three  categories of  council,  such as, (a) General  committee (b) Executive committee (c) Advisory committee.


  • The General committee shall have indefinite number of members but there shall be at least 15 members.


  • The Executive committee shall have in all 9 members to be elected from among the general member in the general meeting by direct vote. The project head shall be eligible to discharge the responsibility of the general secretary of the general and executive committee of the organization.


  • The advisory committee shall be composed of the persons having proficiency and talent in development activities. The general secretary shall be remain involved in the advisory committee.


Clause 7.         Composition and activities of the committee :-


  • The General committee shall be formed with all the general members of the organization. They shall be empowered to elect the executive committee. They shall take decision and express opinion in matters of all development activities in the interest of the organization.


  • The Executive committee shall be composed of the elected members of the general committee. The longevity of the executive committee shall be 3 years. The executive committee shall be responsible for program implementation maintenance of yearly accounts, administrative works and all other works of the organisation. The executive committee shall co-ordinate with the project committee in relation to the program implementation.


  • The General secretary of the organization shall form the advisory committee with the experts involved in development activities and it shall be effective subject to the approval of the executive committee. This committee shall mainly advise and suggest in matters of different development works.


The General secretary shall be empowered to form a Adhoc executive committee from among the general members subject to the approval of the general committee provided the executive committee shall for any reason be non-qualified or void.


  • There shall be a separate project committee comprising of project personnel in regard to the program implementation. The general secretary of the organization shall be the chairman of this committee as the project head. The project committee shall share idea in relation to the achievement of goal and execution of objectives of the organization.


Clause 8.         Cancellation of membership :-


  • The membership shall be considered as cancelled after the completion of six month causing to non-payment of monthly subscription for six month at a stretch.


  • The membership shall be cancelled if any one fails to attend three consecutive meeting.


  • The membership shall be cancelled if any one acts or behaves contrary to the interest of the organisation causing loss to the organisation or society.


  • The membership shall be cancelled by death or insanity.


  • The membership shall be cancelled on charge of guilty under the low of the country.


  • If any member intends to resign from the membership shall apply through resignation letter for cancellation of membership subject to the approval of the executive committee.


Clause 9.         Reinstatement of membership :-


  • The concerned person shall apply to the executive committee for reinstatement of membership subject to the payment of re-admission fees and arrear subscriptions. The cancelled member under clause (c) & (c) of clause 8 shall apply in stating a commitment in such a manner that he shall remain abstained from anti-organisational work or from doing such works.


  • The application for reinstatement of membership shall be effective subject to the approval by the executive committee.


  • If the successor of any deceased member intends to be the member shall be given preference subject to the approval by the executive committee.


Clause 10.       Number of members in the executive committee and status :-

  • President ——————— 1 (one)
  • Vice President ————– 1 (one)
  • General Secretary ———- 1 (one)
  • General Secretary —1 (one)
  • Treasurer ———————1 (one)
  • Member/Members ———-4 (Four)

Total —-9 (nine)


Clause 11.       Procedure of Election, Sorting and Selection :-


An executive committee shall be elected from among members of the general committee by direct vote through ballot for a period of three years.


  • The date and time schedule of the election shall be fixed up in the meeting of the executive committee.


  • The date of election shall be declared at least one month prior to holding election.


  • The executive committee shall cease powers at least 15 days prior to holding election.


  • The General secretary shall select three persons from among local educationists for conducting the election. This election commission shall determine the procedure of the election.


  • Any member shall be eligible for contesting in any post subject to the sorting out by the election commission. Every member shall have one vote each post and the contesting candidate shall possess the right to east vote as well.


  • The general secretary at his own responsibility shall hang the list of members in the notice board at least 20 days before holding the election and this list shall be treated as the list of voters. The selection shall also be in force on the contrary to election.


  • The newly elected executive committee shall take the power formally within a week after holding the election or selection and the out going committee shall hand over power.


Clause 12.       Powers and duties of the members of the executive committee :-


President :

He shall be all in all activities of the organisation. He shall preside over all meeting and advise in the activities of every department. He shall be entitled to call meeting of the executive committee within a notice of 24 hours in time of emergency. He shall put signature on all proceedings. He shall suggest the general secretary in relation to the opinion of majority of the attended members of the meeting.


Vice-President :

The vice-president shall perform the normal responsibilities of the president in his absence and discharge all duties.


General Secretary :

The general Secretary shall be above all and administer all activities of the organisation. He shall prepare the report on income and expenditure as the general secretary. In addition, he shall call meeting by giving notice to all members of every meeting. He shall be entitled to pass all bills. He shall be entitled to incur Tk. 50.00 (fifty) without the consent of the other members. In case of above, he shall take the approval from the president or vice-president and in case of non-approval from the president or Vice-president and in case of non-approval, he shall take the approval placing it before the executive committee. If necessary, he shall call the emergency meeting. He shall present the yearly report on the income and expenditure in the meeting of the general committee in December every year.


He shall prepare the quarterly activity report and maintain communication of all types in the interest of the organisation. The appoint, transfer, terminator of staff and prosecute case in the court shall be under his jurisdiction subject to the approval of the president. He shall open account in the bank to be operated by joint signature with the president or the treasurer.


Asstt. General Secretary :

He shall co-operate with the general secretary and discharge his conferred responsibilities in absence of the general secretary.


Treasurer :

The responsibility of accounts of income and expenditure shall be vested upon the treasurer. He shall take the approval for every account from the general secretary. He shall see the internal accounts of the organisation. He shall play active role in implementation of financial decisions of the organisation.


Member :

Every member shall be entitled to criticise the activities of the office bearers with in legal frame work. This criticism shall by no means go contrary to the law and interest of the organisation. The members shall have active co-operation for the webbing of the organisation.


Clause 13.

Meeting :-

The place, date time and agenda of meeting shall be stated in the notice book for holding meeting and the general secretary shall take the acknowledgement of receipt of the notice.


  • General committee meeting :-

This meeting shall sit once a year. The general secretary shall call this meeting on 15 days advance notice in consent of the president. The attended members of this meeting shall discuss on the yearly activities and accounts.


  • Emergency meeting :-

In case of normal sitting of the Annual General Meeting, on request of the two-thirds general members this meeting shall be arranged on the ground of amendment, alteration, addition of the constitution and distrust of any type. This meeting shall be called by a notice of 24 hours in case of any emergency.


  • Executive Committee Meeting :-

The General secretary shall give 3 days prior notice to the members of the E.C. before holding this meeting. This meeting shall be called once within two months. The members shall discuss on the accounts and problems of different program in such a meeting.


  • Adjourned Meeting :-

In case of meeting being cancelled for want of carom or meeting not being held, the executive committee meeting and the general meeting shall be called by a notice of 3 days and 7 days respectively.


Clause 14.       Corum :-

The attendance of one-third members of the general and executive committee meeting shall be considered as corum but in case of taking decision, approval of the attended majority shall be required.



Clause 15.       Financial management and Bank transactions :-

The admission fees, monthly contributions, donation of the well-wishers, donation from the different local and foreign voluntary organisations and other legal earned money shall be source of income of the organisation. This money shall be utilised under clause 4. The bank account shall be in the name of the organisation. The bank transactions shall be operated by joint signature of the general secretary with the president or the treasurer.


Clause 16.       Amendment of constitution :-

The amendment, alteration, addition of the constitution shall be effective subject to the approval of the two thirds general members in the annual general meeting of emergency meeting. It shall be submitted to the registration authority for approval within 15 days of decision taking. But any amendment, alteration and addition shall be effective subject to the approval of the registration authority.


Clause 17.  Winding Up :-

If any situation arises for which the winding up is required, an application showing the causes of such termination shall be submitted to the registration authority for taking necessary action.


In case of winding up of the organisation, all tangible and intangible assets shall be handed over to the Govt.

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