Accountability Framework


The Social Association For Rural Advancement (SARA) is a local NGO established in 1983 with the location of its head office in Mymensingh district town. It is situated at the 120 k.m. north of the capital city Dhaka. SARA from its inception was emerged in development activities with the poor and disadvantaged people particularly of rural areas aiming to promoting the socioeconomic and human right development. It was established tin 1983 with a view to work together with rural poor, landless and oppressed section of people in the country. It was registered under the social service department on 9 May 1984 with the No. MA- 0343 and obtained the NGO Affairs Bureau registered on 23 January 1986 with the No. 201.

Being Accountable:

SARA works for the development of poor & extreme poor, land less, middle and Tribal people of Bangladesh. Lobbying and ideas sharing is extended to all other people in the society. SARA believes in sharing from all sections of people in national issues.

The adopted definition of “accountability” at SARA is:

Accountability is the means through which power is used responsibly. It is a process of taking into account the views of, and being held accountable by, different stakeholders, and primarily the people affected by authority or power.

In the work to improve accountability, SARA is guided by the HAP standards, which consists of six benchmarks; these are embedded in SARA’s organizational commitments. Right holder & Stakeholders are encouraged to monitor SARA’s performance against these commitments and hold our self accountable, should the organization fall short of its commitments.

Our Commitment’s:

To establish accountability SARA is committed to follow the HAP benchmark for balancing power among the organization and stakeholders such as Local Elected Bodies, Government Officials, Non-Government Organization, Village Development Committee and Right holders;

  1. Establishing and delivering on the
  2. Staff competency.
  3. Sharing information including transparency.
  4. Effective participation.
  5. Enable stakeholders to complaint and give feedback.
  6. Organizational learning and continual improvement.
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