Organization Profile

  • Name of Organization : Social Association For Rural Advancement (SARA)
  • Address : 23/1, Sardah Ghose Road, Nondibari, P.O. Box no.-10
    Mymensingh. Phone- 088-091-67877
  • Establishment : 1st January 1983. 
  • Vision : Development of Target  People on the basis of Gender.
  • Mission : Aware and Organize Target People Towards Development Partnership. 
  • Objectives : Help and facilitate the target people to be self reliant, socially and economically by building up their own organization.
  • Legal Status : Registered under department of social service Registration No. MA-0343, Date : 09/05/1984 NGO Affairs Bureau No. DSS/FDO/R-201, Date : 23/01/1986
  • Network with : Diakonia, NPF, CARE Bangladesh & ASK Partners of NGOs in Bangladesh. 
  • Person to Contact : Tushar Daring
    Executive Director, SARA
    Office- 091-67877, Res.- 091-63612
    Mobile- 01712248710
  • Target People : SARA works for the development of poor people, Tribal and middle class people of Bangladesh. Lobbying and ideas sharing is extended to all other people in the society. SARA believes in sharing from all sections of people in national issues.
  • On going Project :
SL Name of Projects Donor Time Frame
01 Justice and Right for Community People (JRCP) Diakonia, Sweden 2013-2015
02 Gender &  Social Justice Project Ain O Salish Khadra (Partnership Project) 2012-2015
03 SARA-SHOUHARDO- II CARE Bangladesh 2011-2015


  • Staff Strength of the organization :
Name of Project Female Male Total
Justice and Right for Community People (JRCP) 28 21 49
Gender &  Social Justice Project 0 02 02


133 89 222
Total 161 112 273


  • Office Time : 8:00 am. to 4:00 pm

Friday and Saturday weekly holiday

  • Working Area :
District Upazilla Union no. Village no.
Mymensingh Mym. Sadar 05 61
Haluaghat 07 50
Dubaura 04 43
Netrakona Kalmakanda 02 10
Purbadhala 03 12
Durgapur 04 22
25 198


  • Project wise Programs :


Justice and Right for Community People (JRCP)


Result Wise Program

Result Wise Program
Result-01) Discrimination Against Woman Reduce

Result-04) Access to Health & SRHR Service Improved

@  Gender & Family Law training @  Health & Nutrition Training
@  Orientation on Gender & Family law @  Training on SRHR with Adolescent Group
@  School Debate on Gender & Empow. @  School Debate on Health & SRHR issue
@  Popular Theater on Gender & Empower

@  Popular Theater on Health & SRHR issue

@  Day Observance (Int. Women day) @  Day Observance ( Int. HIV/AIDS Day)
@  Women Networking Meeting @  Seminar on HIV/AIDS
@  Counseling Between NJK member @  Training on SRHR for School Teacher
@  Annual Gathering NJk @  Dialouge on SRHR for Community People
Result- 02) Respect for Human Rights Increased Result- 05) Environment & Disaster Management skill Improved
@  Training on HR& UDHR

@  Disaster Management Training

@  Dialogue on HR with Media People @  Agriculture Package Training
@  Popular Theater on HR @  Popular Theater on Disaster Management
@  Day Observance (World HR day) @  Community Dialogue
@  School Debate on HR @  Day Observance ( World Environment day)
@  Community Workshop on HR  
@  Community Dialogue on HR
@  Community Library for Adolescent Group Member
Result- 03) Hajong Ethnic People Empowerment Improved
@  Gender & Family Law training

@  Paralegal training for Hajong Group

@  Popular Theater on H/R, Gender & Health Issue

@  Day Observance ( Int. Adibashi Day)

@  Hajong Federation Group formation
@  Cultural Equipment Supply for Cultural Group
@  Traditional Cultural Program


Gender & Social Justice  Project


Name of Program   Name of Program
1)       Group Meeting

2)       Workshop with Marriage register on human rights.

3)       Workshop with UP and Arbitration council on roles and responsibilities of UP.

4)       Manabadhikar Songrokhon porishad (MSP)union level meeting.

5)       Manabadhikar Nari Samaj (MNS) union level.

6)       Training gender, family law, advocacy & Good Gevernance.

7)       Training on GRA

8)       Workshop with other organization provide legal aid.

9)       Organize national level campaign and movement regarding women’s issue.

10)   Training on HR instrument , organizational development and advocacy.

11)   Rally on National & International Day

12)   Poster, booklet, Leaflet distribution of human rights.

13)   Manabadhikar Ain Jibi Porishad(MAP)

14)   Legal Camp (Union level)

15)   Workshop with UP and UNO on identify the problems and improve the situation of village court.

16)   Workshop with the member of the Govt. legal aid committee, penal lawyers and the applicants.

17)   Organize public meeting to share HR situation.

18)   Provide leadership Training for CBos

19)   Meeting with adjacent new union by CBOs

20)   Study circle on International instrument & legal issue.

21)   Dialogue with the victim to follow up salish and steps taken by CBOs.

22)   Paralegal Training.





Agricultural Program Climate Change Program
·         Agriculture Training ·         Union Disaster Committee Formation
·         Agri- Material Distribution ·         Disaster Management Training
·         CHD Family Training ·         Upazilla Disaster Committee Formation
·         Aquaculture Training ·         Disaster Management Training
·         Fish & Fish food Distribution ·         Union Disaster Volunteer Committee Formation
·         IGA Family Training ·         Training
·         IGA Material Distribution ·         School Base SBTB Formation & Training
·         Agriculture Fair Participation ·         Climate Vulnerability Capacity Analysis
Health Program Structural Work
·         Training ·         Dip Tubewell Installment
·         Food Distribution ·         Home stat soil filling
·         Growth Monitoring Promotion ·         Road soil filling
·         Health & Nutrition Season ·         School field soil filling
·         Arsenic test
Education & Women Empowerment
·         UP Standing Committee Training
·         VDC Formation & Training
·         Akota Kendra Installment


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